Children, religious practices, and spirituality in the post-war context of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a multi-religious country. The expression of patriotism knowingly or unknowingly disturbs the diversity of ethnicity due to its disturbing social setup in Sri Lanka. (Jeyaseelan 2018) The previous study shows that the Buddhist faith encourages the faith development of children, and thus, it also increases the resiliency of children to face challenges. (Fernando and Ferrari 2011) This paper examines an empirical study on how the children of Sri Lanka express their spirituality in connection with their faith practices. A sample of 50 young children aged 12-14 old, both war-affected and non-war-affected children in the post-war context of Sri Lanka, who practice the major religions, are interviewed. How the Sri Lankan children have hoped and persevered in their spiritual experiences during the war will be analyzed in this research. In this context, the question is, how do the children give voice to their faith community experience in the post-war context of Sri Lanka? My research aims to find out how the spirituality and faith communities of war-affected children and non-war-affected children shape their own lives and the lives of the citizens of the country and the whole world. This paper synthesizes the detailed role of the faith communities over the children, concerning their spiritual uplifting along with the lay theological foundation.