Dealing with uncertainty
Christian semantics and right-wing populism
In light of our research project on the interconnection between right-wing populism and Christian thought, particularly three aspects strike as us manifestations of crisis. The provide support to the idea that (wight-wing) popuslism can be considered as both originating from people’s experience of crisis and as a driver of crisis. The first takes up the observation that comments drawing on right-wing populist narratives point to experiences of resource conflict, in light of which they judge the Church’s and its representatives’ commitment to sea rescue as failing in their actual purpose, i.e. tending to their ‘own people’s’ religious and socioeconomic needs. As a result, the Church and Church leaders are portrayed as ruthless elite—a portrayal that might be interpreted as depicting a crisis of representation. The second aspect concerns the issue that many comments displaying right-wing populist and extremist thought involve verbal aggression and hate speech. In doing so, they create a crisis of interaction. The last aspect addresses the fact that right-wing populist and extremist comments stage a crisis by invoking threat and doom scenarios, within which they assign a central role to Church leaders. Some of these scenarios draw on conspiracy narratives
- 2024-07-05 (2)
- 2023-06-19 (1)