Ecological crisis
Enabling resilience through developing ecological virtues
2021 marks a year in which the world is still reeling from the health and economic crises triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also a year of the 15th COP Biodiversity Summit. Both point to the intertwined relationships within a global socio-ecological crisis. My proposal in this address is that coping with crisis can be understood through reference to a term commonly used in ecology- resilience. Finding ways to develop that resilience within ecclesial communities and beyond requires more than just a rallying call to ecological conversion. Rather, I will argue, instead, that it requires paying attention to the natural world in our entangled relationships with other species. Further, by seeking to develop specific ecological virtues individuals and communities are more able to resist ecological vices and to think and act differently, boldly and with creativity. Drawing on classic theological texts, especially the work of medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, I will discuss the importance of a recovery of theological virtues in this context, namely, faith, hope and charity. I will show how justice, courage, practical wisdom, temperance, humility and gratitude are also ethically important and practically relevant.
- 2024-07-05 (2)
- 2023-06-19 (1)